All About My Witch Mystery Boxes

Since I still get a lot of questions in my messages about my Mystery Boxes, I thought I’d create this post to answer the common questions that way I can then point people to this post.

All About My Witch Mystery Boxes

Paw prints trail.  Image from Clker Free Vector Images on Pixabay

What Are Mystery Boxes?

My Mystery Boxes are a set of boxes, containing Witchy items, wrapped up individually creating a surprise gift box either for yourself or for a loved one.  It’s like a lucky dip, you won’t know what you are getting until you open it.

Items that can be included as things a Witch may find useful, such as altar items, witchy home decor, spell and ritual items, jewellery, herbs etc.

Mine come in three different sizes:

Biz - Box Sizes

I also do two limited edition boxes, one on the Spring Equinox and one on the Autumn Equinox.  These are Extra-large boxes and contain 17 items.  They are first come first serve and when they are bought, there won’t be another until the following equinox.

The most recent Extra Large Box has just been purchased.  It was a little different from last year, as this box was unicorn-themed.  There will not be another Extra Large box now, until August this year.  These limited boxes do get snapped up fast, so keep an eye out around the next Equinox (it will ALSO be a themed box) 😉

Extra Large Witch Mystery Box with unicorn theme by Blaqkat Witch Shop

NB: Please note the Equinox boxes do not contain items specific to these Sabbats.  I just chose these two dates as a means of when to launch the boxes.

Paw prints trail.  Image from Clker Free Vector Images on Pixabay

Can I Request Specific Contents?

My Mystery Boxes do have a personalisation option; however, this is a message box where you can let me know if you have any specific connections to:

  • Elements
  • Animals
  • Deities
  • Colours etc


I do my best to include at least one item in the box that is personalised, however, this is not guaranteed as depending on my stock I may not have much or any items that connect to what you’ve requested.

Now, as to requesting specific content.  I prefer not to do this; I have had people in the past list out several items they’ve seen other people receive and stated they want them too.

However, these boxes are worked out regarding quantity and pricing and certain items can’t always be included in boxes due to cost.  For example, there are some items I can only include in the large box due to the price.  If I put them in the small or medium box, I wouldn’t be able to add enough items to make up the specific quantity.

If you want to purchase specific items, I recommend you look for listings that have them.  However, these Mystery Boxes are designed to be a surprise, so I prefer not to accept requests for specific items.

Paw prints trail.  Image from Clker Free Vector Images on Pixabay

Are These Boxes For Baby Witches?

I have a mix of items that can be used by Beginner Witches and those more advanced in the Craft.  However, it is always best if you state you are a baby witch in your message to the seller.  This helps me make decisions on what is best to include.

People can sometimes tell me they are just starting to build up their apothecary or that they have not yet created an altar.  These things can help determine what items I include in a Mystery Box.

Paw prints trail.  Image from Clker Free Vector Images on Pixabay

Are Your Boxes Vegan?

Many of my boxes are vegan, however, this is not always the case, so it is very important that anyone ordering a box, state in the Message to Seller that they are vegan.  I can then tailor my box to make sure I don’t include anything non-vegan.

Please note: The Extra-Large Mystery Boxes I mentioned earlier are selected and packed, without the option for personalisation.  This means they are listed as not Vegan-friendly, as sometimes they may include items that are not vegan.

It is also important to inform me via the Message to the Seller if you have any allergies, especially to scents, metals, etc

Paw prints trail.  Image from Clker Free Vector Images on Pixabay

Do You Include Jewellery?

I do sometimes include pieces of jewellery in my mystery boxes.  This is mostly bracelets, wristbands, necklaces or pendants. As with many things, there is no guarantee you will receive jewellery though.

I usually avoid earrings because unless someone clearly states they have pierced ears and are not allergic to any metals including silver-plated, I don’t risk putting them in.

Paw prints trail.  Image from Clker Free Vector Images on Pixabay

What Is The Difference Between Witch Mystery Box and Mystery Witch Box?

I have two different listings on my Etsy Shop, one for a Witch Mystery Box and one for a Mystery Witch Box.  I often get asked about this, these are not two different types of boxes.

These are simply two different listings for the same product.  This allows me to use different keywords and get found better in the search algorithm.

The descriptions will be similar, still showing 3 options, personalisation etc.  But other than that, there’s nothing different.

Paw prints trail.  Image from Clker Free Vector Images on Pixabay

Will I Get The Same Items If I Buy Multiple Boxes?

Buying multiple boxes does mean there might be repeated items, however, I do try and record every box I sell and to whom, so that if the same buyer returns, I can usually track what they ordered last time and I’ll do what I can to make sure their new box has different items.  Again, this can be limited due to stock.

Please note: If someone bought a box for you, but the box was sent to the gift giver (not you the receiver) and then you buy a second box – I will have no way of knowing you already received a box and so you may very well receive the same items again.

If you were gifted a box, it is best if you contact me when ordering and let me know and give me the name of the person who ordered the box for you.  I should be able to track what was ordered and I will try and make sure the next box is different.

However, I do have limited.  I’ve had repeat customers who bought several boxes in a time frame and eventually, they went through all my different options so any new orders would end up with the same items.

I am a small business, and my stock and inventory are kept in my home, I don’t have a warehouse full of items so eventually items will be repeated.

Paw prints trail.  Image from Clker Free Vector Images on Pixabay

Do You Ship Worldwide?

Sadly, at this time I am only able to sell these Mystery Boxes in the UK and to European countries.  There have been issues with items getting stuck in customs or being heavily delayed, I’ve also had to sort a lot of new paperwork and still hit snags as it appears different countries/customs offices aren’t always up to date with new regulations.

However, as of writing this, please note my jewellery is all shipped worldwide!

I hope this information helps anyone interested in buying one of my Mystery Boxes.  If you want to grab yourself one, get one here.

Paw prints trail.  Image from Clker Free Vector Images on Pixabay

Bright Blessing


= ^.^ =

Looking for Witchy Goodies? Visit my Etsy shop for a large collection of Pagan Jewellery, Wiccan Gifts, Witch Tools, Spells and Kits. Blaqkat.Etsy.Com

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